Cartoon Crash Course on Ocean Terminology

animated videos on ocean terminology

The  Pew Charitable Trusts is an independent nonprofit organization that joined forces with cartoonist Jim Toomey and produced animated videos that explain the complicated concepts that guide efforts to protect our oceans.

It is a cartoon crash course where questions are being answered in an easy, understandable and funny way. Are you ready to expand your Ocean Terminology knowledge?  Then click on the link and watch the videos.

What Are Forage Fish?

What Is Ocean Acidification?

What Is Illegal Fishing?

What Is Ocean Governance?

What Is Marine Debris?

What Are Ocean Zones?

More topics you can find on Pew Charity Trusts  – A Visual Glossary of Ocean Terminology

Source: Pew Charitable Trusts

Picture Source:  Pixbay – Prawny


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